An Application of Probabilistic Grammars to Efficient Machne Translation

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Skórzewski, P. (2010). An Application of Probabilistic Grammars to Efficient Machne Translation. Investigationes Linguisticae, 21, 90–98.

Liczba wyświetleń: 182

Liczba pobrań: 139


In this paper we present one of the algorithms used to parse probabilistic context-free grammars: the A* parsing algorithm, which is based on the A* graph search method. We show an example of application of the algorithm in an existing machine translation system. The existing CYK-based parser used in the Translatica system was modified by applying the A* parsing algorithm in order to examine the possibilities of improving its performance. This paper presents the results of applying the A* algorithm with different heuristic functions and their impact on the performance of the parser.


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