A Brief History of the Development of Law and Lingua Legis in Korea
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lingua legis
legal language
history of law

How to Cite

Wojtasik, E. (2014). A Brief History of the Development of Law and Lingua Legis in Korea. Investigationes Linguisticae, 31, 43–56. https://doi.org/10.14746/il.2014.31.5

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This article aims at describing a process of development of law and a legal language at the Korean Peninsula as a background for showing directions of word borrowings into Korean legal language. In order to achieve this assumption, not only specific Korean legal acts along with their main principles, crucial to forming up new countries in the territory, were analyzed but also some specific Korean legal terms which emerged in Korean legal reality. The history of legal language on Korean Peninsula was presented chronologically in order to present a process of borrowing legal terms. The author presents examples of loanwords which enriched the Korean legal language.
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