The article considers the problem of the historical (cultural, national) identity of Russia as perceived by Petr Chaadayev, Vladimir Solovyov and Fyodor Dostoevsky. In all three projects we deal with clearly universal concepts. However, the article then states, this Russian universalist idea and the vision of Russian identity built on it also has its darker, doubtful, even dangerous side. This idea may lead to decisions, to the projection of hasty, reckless, not so much limited by the weight of hard realities, but not taking into account the realities, treating them as almost entirely plastic and yielding to the pressure of creative and efficient subjectivity. This often took the form of dubious messianism, special mission, special powers which, in the name of a salvific or even due future, do not have to take into account the rules and regulations of the current world; it resulted in such visions of happiness worthy to be coerced into, so as not to regress in its realization from enslavement and crime.
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