The attempt of comparison of Polish infinitive verbal category and Greek conjunctive mood
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Trąba, K. (2012). The attempt of comparison of Polish infinitive verbal category and Greek conjunctive mood. Investigationes Linguisticae, 26, 155–176.

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The objective of the paper is an attempt of comparison of Polish infinitive verbal category and Greek conjunctive mood . The main attention was paid to differences and similarities both of their morphology and functions. The present paper can be divided into three main parts. Firstly, the question of the aspect of Polish infinitive and of conjunctive in Greek is raised. Secondly, the morphology of Polish infinitive and Greek conjunctive systems are presented and compared, showing how different these languages are at this point. Part three concerns similarities and differences in usage of the Polish infinitive and the Greek conjunctive construction according to the aspectuality. The research showed that although most of the functions of the aspects are similar, their usage can differ according to speaker’s intentions. Moreover, the main difference between the languages in question is based on a different interpretation of the closed-time expressions.
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