The invention of Romanal: Re-evaluating the Reputation of an Esperanto Hero
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Słowa kluczowe

Esperanto Hero
language’s creator
Alfred Michaux

Jak cytować

Owen, T. (2023). The invention of Romanal: Re-evaluating the Reputation of an Esperanto Hero. Investigationes Linguisticae, 47, 51–67.

Liczba wyświetleń: 72

Liczba pobrań: 25


Alfred Michaux’s is a name known to members of the Esperanto Movement who are knowledgeable about its glorious early days. Among the most prominent of the pioneers, he was a friend of the language’s creator, and the person who set up the first international congress, an annual tradition which only the two World Wars and the coronavirus pandemic have interrupted. What is generally not known about Michaux is that he ceased his activity for Esperanto within a few years, creating his own planned language, Romanal. Nor is his name associated with a damaging schism within the Esperanto Movement, the Ido Crisis, as it should be.
PDF (English)


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Michaux, Alfred 1917, 19222: «Le Romanal», Langue auxiliaire extrêment facile proposée aux Alliés et aux Amis de la civilisation Anglo-Latine. Boulogne-sur-mer.

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