In order to face up to the challenges of globalization the Nordic countries made this problem the key issue in the modernization discourse, which led to debates within the framework of the so-called globalization strategies that took place in those countries in 2002-2009. Due to an active engagement of many social partners and to the participation of representatives of the government, employers and employees, as well as of the trade unions and non-government organizations, globalization stopped being seen as a bogey in public debate and began to be viewed as a challenge and a chance of further development. The main way of coping with globalization was seen in broader opening up and adaptation of the national Nordic economies to global trends, and the discourse on strategic internationalization came to be used to stimulate social, economic and political change. This paper concentrates on the sphere of higher education which was pressed into service in implementing the internationalization strategy and which at the same time underwent a metamorphosis and became adapted to the new reality, similar to that in the other sectors carrying out public policy.References
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