Not-to-buy trend - the idea of an exchange, borrowing things, reconstructing or remaking objects is not a discovery of the present time. Only currently a tool of Internet has made us able to increase the speed of communication and has connected people we would not have been able to get in to before. This tool has given us a chance to reinforce the popularity of a ‘Not-to-buy trend’. This article is describing elements of the ‘Not-to-buy trend’ by pointing out sets of characteristic actions, groups of participants and their motivation that take part in (what is be named by people surveyed) a Life Style. The thesis describes and also comments some of the principals that rule the behavior of some specific consumer groups, gathering around different virtual spaces on the Internet. I also point out a different understanding of ‘consumerism’ used among the anthropologists, sociologists, people surveyed. The definitions constructed by each of the groups seem to be contradictive. At the end I am wondering, if “Not-to-buy trend” is only a new way of old phenomenon or maybe something totally newReferences
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