Academic governance in the EU, the USA and Poland
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higher education reforms
academic governance
good practices
governmental supervision
network supen/ision
profit-generating universities
loss-making universities
governing council
higher education system
university organisation

How to Cite

Thieme, J. K. (2009). Academic governance in the EU, the USA and Poland. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(33), 34–55. Retrieved from


 “Academic governance” is a term which is little known and rarely used in Polish literaturę. However, this term is essential to understand the extensive literaturę on higher education reforms and models published in various countries. When discussing academic governance Solutions, Polish literaturę usually uses the term system (system) to refer to the external environment of universities and the term ustrój (internal organisation) to talk about Solutions within universities. In the first part of his paper, the author defines the notions of academic governance, external academic governance and internal academic governance and then discusses academic governance Solutions in the European Union, English-speaking countries (example of the USA) and in Poland. While in 1960s the European reforms of academic governance were inspired by public governance, the governance structures in the private sector have become the model in recent years. Research confirms that the changes in governance are heading, albeit falteringly, towards an increased marketisation of the European higher education. In Poland, the marketisation of the education system has meant, above all, the emergence of the non-public sector alongside a non-market system, the latter persisting in the public higher education sector. 

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