Trends in European and Polish agricultural higher education
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agricultural higher education

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Podlaski, S. (2009). Trends in European and Polish agricultural higher education. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(33), 114–134. Retrieved from


In most European countries the number of students taking agricultural courses will continue to decline. In Poland, however, the arrival of new agricultural courses in public vocational schools of higher education as well as in private schools of higher education will lead to a gradual increase in the number of students studying agriculture. In “old” European countries as well as in Poland individuals who choose agricultural studies will have fewer job opportunities. In the USA and in Europę narrowly-defined technological agricultural education is clearly being abandoned in favour of education in natural resources protection and rural development management. In Poland, however, this process is barely noticeable, particularly in traditional agricultural departments. In the short-term, agricultural schools of higher education should modify their organisation, curricula and the teaching processes, otherwise they will face gradual exclusion from the global tertiary agricultural education system.

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