The role and position of a university library in the modern world
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How to Cite

Boguski, J. (2010). The role and position of a university library in the modern world. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1-2(35-36), 95–102. Retrieved from


The author asks the following questions: In which direction will university libraries be developing? Are they supposed to serve the education and research sectors or, rather, will they co-participate in research conducted within and outside the university, for instance in enterprises? Will they transform into virtual institutions under the impact of modern technologies or will they maintain their traditional mode of operation? Those and other questions are asked not just by librarians but by readers as well. The paper is meant to contribute to a broader discussion on the topie. It aims to show the university library as a centre where knowledge and innovation are generated and disseminated.

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