The quality of educational services in marketing communication of PolancTs schools of higher education
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higher education
quality of educational services
marketing communication

How to Cite

Maciąg, J. (2011). The quality of educational services in marketing communication of PolancTs schools of higher education. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(37), 119–135. Retrieved from


Nowadays education is becoming a costly investment which influences students’ futurę careers and private lives, employers’ activities and countries’ social and economic development. In order to minimise the risk of making a wrong decision when choosing a university and a field of study, customers seek credible information on aspects such as the quality of educational services and the broadly understood reputation of the school. Websites are an important tool used by universities in their marketing communication. The author presents results of research aimed at evaluating websites maintained by schools of higher education in Poland. She focuses on a selected category of marketing information offered to customers i.e. that concerning the quality of educational services. The analysis covers various methods used by schools of higher education to declare and confirm the quality of their services, i.e. quality assurance policy, mission, accreditations and certificates. The research findings positively verified the initial hypothesis i.e. that Poland’s higher education institutions fail to convey complete information about the quality of educational services via their websites and that they underestimate the role of various tools which can be used to assert and confirm quality to promote their services. The findings have also shown that factors such as organisational and legał status, the number of fields of study and the level of education (undergraduate, postgraduate) have a statistically significant effect on the quality and quantity of information concerning the quality of educational services presented on schools' websites.

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