Multi-aspect evaluation of educational quality of services (on the example of the Physical Education Academy under the name of Jerzy Kukuczka in Katowice)
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model of management of the quality of educational sen/ices
quality of the educational service
measurement and evaluation of process in university

How to Cite

Maciąg, J. (2011). Multi-aspect evaluation of educational quality of services (on the example of the Physical Education Academy under the name of Jerzy Kukuczka in Katowice). Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(38), 123–138. Retrieved from


The adoption of a model interpretation of management of the quality of educational services based on the concept of Chain value raises the need for a change of approach to the assessment of the quality of educational services. The measure of the quality of educational services becomes a value added supplied to the university stakeholders. The ability to create value is determined by the effectiveness and efficiency of processes undertaken in the university. The purpose of the article is to present the model of management of the quality of educational services, and the concept of evaluation of the quality of educational services based on measuring the value added in terms of didactic, marketing, economics and organization. A practical illustration of the presented concept are the results of research carried out at the Academy of Physical Education under the name of Jerzy Kukuczka in Katowice. In the summary of the undertaken considerations it can be concluded that the proposed concept of the multi-aspect evaluation of the quality of educational services can be successfully used in the measurement, evaluation and improvement of university processes. The concept of evaluation covering the didactic, organization, marketing and economics  aspects allows for a dynamie and multi-factor understanding of the quality of educational services as the effect of process carried out in universities.

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