Higher education in the context of countries’ approaching the world technological border – 21st century perspective


higher education
knowledge economy

How to Cite

Soszyńska, E. (2012). Higher education in the context of countries’ approaching the world technological border – 21st century perspective. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(40), 21–49. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/3285


The article attempts to show the evolution of the higher education system, its adaptation to the changing socio-economic situation of countries, as well as paradigms promoted in the world at the XX ans XXI ceturies turning point. An analysis of the mission, functions, good and bad sides of enterprising, as well as exclusive and world-recognizable research universities. The rank, role, contribution of higher education to the social-economic development of countries are universally recognised as crucial, but the potential of higher education is not always, and not in all countries, being exploited. The holistic interpretation of these issues leads to the reflection that the most important cause of this situation is the imperfect flow of information, low potential, weak system of incentives, especially in countries poorly and average developed economically. It results in the breaking of bond among individual higher education entities, and ties between them and external subjects.


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