Internationalization of Polish universities in the aspect of cultural differences


internationalization of higher education institutions
cultural differences
cross-cultural communication

How to Cite

Pabian, A., & Pabian, B. (2012). Internationalization of Polish universities in the aspect of cultural differences. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(40), 117–124. Retrieved from


The internationalization of Polish universities is low compared with other countries of the European Union. The change of this disadvantage requires the identification and the elimination of barriers in respect of the development of internationalization. One of them is the cultural differences between Poles and foreigners contacting in the area of learning and higher education. Many foreigners descend from cultures which significantly differ from Polish values, behaviours, customs and attitudes. The ignorance of these conditions is hindering the cross-cultural adaptation, triggering in extreme cases a cultural shock. Symptoms are discomfort connected with residing in an unfamiliar environment, a low sense of security and disturbed communication. In order to eliminate barriers of internationalization resulting from cultural differences, the university staff meeting with foreigners both in Poland and abroad should possess the adequate knowledge and skills. This requires system solutions initiated not only by Polish universities, but also government institutions to which they are reporting.


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