Two Years After: Remarks on Reforms in Higher Education and Science
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How to Cite

Amsterdamski, S. (2016). Two Years After: Remarks on Reforms in Higher Education and Science. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2), 22–34. Retrieved from


The Author discusses dilemmas, difficulties and effects of the higher education and scientific institutions reform, that was launched two years ago. First, he points out the differences of solutions accepted by higher education and scientific institutions in Poland after the Second World War, as compared to the Soviet model. Having outlined the basic assumptions of the reform, the Author discusses the controversial issue of the scope of the state interventionism in both areas. He pays attention to the external obstacles, i.e., obstacles localized outside the system of scientific and higher education institutions, which influence formulation of policy toward such institutions. Also, he examines internal constrains of structural, organizational, societal and financial character. Next, the Author presents the genuine function of various financial mechanisms, their methods of application and coherence ratios. Also, dilemmas concerning applicability of competition rules in case of scientific activities and the question of research evaluation are discussed. He discusses the issue of transformation of scientific and educational institutions, examines factors hampering or keeping back the transformation process. The last paragraph of the paper presents issues concerning research and teaching staff - limits to the personnel management, selection procedures, barriers to young employees flow and aging of academicians.

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