Conservatism and Innovations
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How to Cite

Najduchowska, H., & Wnuk-Lipińska, E. (2016). Conservatism and Innovations. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2), 46–62. Retrieved from


The paper presents results of the study on two types of universities, which was conducted in 1992. The study surveyed opinions and judgments of deans at the University and the Technical University. The study focused on the following problems: operational standards of institutions of higher education as determined by the three, contemporary laws and legal regulations, their organizational structure and their scientific and educational activities. The significant portion of the paper is devoted to the examination of the accommodation procedures and mechanisms of the institutions of higher education in the process of societal transformation. The Authors examine the impact of traditions, financial resources and societal ambience on the activities of both universities. Also, they show factors which stimulate and factors which hamper the implementation of innovations into the research and educational activities.

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