The Education System and the Modernising Potentia! of Society
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How to Cite

Buchner-Jeziorska, A. (2016). The Education System and the Modernising Potentia! of Society. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(7), 98–107. Retrieved from


The article describes the relationships between the education system and the society and the economy, especially the impact of this system on modernising processes. The statistical data cited clearly show that the education system of real socialism provided Polish society with a low modernising potential both in objective terms, i.e. level of education (around 70% of Poles have at most basic vocational education), and in subjective terms (as a rule persons with a low level of education are opposed to social and economic changes). Besides, the example of Poland shows the lack of a clearly defined educational policy of the State and failure to appreciate the role of education in the transformation process (i.e. after 1989) both from the standpoint of shaping the social structure and the possibility of increasing the modernising potential of the society.

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