Funding Universities: Challenges for Decision Makers
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West, P. W. (2016). Funding Universities: Challenges for Decision Makers. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(9), 64–69. Retrieved from


Relations between universities and the institutions that allocate public funds to higher education are undergoing rapid changes in the European countries. The role of the state, once the provider of funds for higher schools, is gradually becoming like the one played by the market. The pressure exerted on public expenditures combined with the striving of universities themselves for ever greater autonomy as well as the possibility of controlling fluctuations in the level of revenues in order to accomplish new tasks has altered the tradition dependence of schools on public funds. After a brief overview of the international situation in this area, the author takes a closer look at Sweden and United Kingdom and concludes that not only obtaining non-budgetary funds but also the way in which they are used are creating new challenges for university administrators.

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