Subjects of Labour Market Policy as a Source of Information about Demand for Graduates of Economics and Management
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How to Cite

Bielecki, P., & Minkiewicz, B. (2016). Subjects of Labour Market Policy as a Source of Information about Demand for Graduates of Economics and Management. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(11), 100–116. Retrieved from


Studies of the demand for graduates of higher education institutions can be made in several ways. It suffices to recall such methods and techniques for analysis of the demand for education as forecasting the demand for highly skilled personnel (analysis of changes in employment by sectors, econometric models, analysis of elasticity of substitution of personnel with different levels of formal education), staff planning in a given place of work, analysis of components and the general tendency of social and economic changes, analysis of job offers in press announcements, analysis of the demand for personnel on the part of employers and registered by institutions of the labour market. The paper presents the results of surveys covering the general population of institutions of the labour market in Poland. The method of these studies, based on the methodological assumptions of the investigation of the economic situation (qualitative studies), provides an adequate degree of conclusiveness of the findings. This is demonstrated by a comparative analysis of the findings presented and what was determined in the course of studies of employers carried out a year earlier in the Centre for Economic Studies Development of the Warsaw School of Economics. The analysis of educational demand embraces the following specific questions, which are discussed in the article (1) characteristics consumers of educational sen/ices in the field of studies of economic and management; (2) the magnitude and nature of the demand for graduates of economics and management, the demand for graduates by area of specialisation; (3) professional qualifications wanted of graduates (qualitative aspects of demand).

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