The article attempts to identify the features necessary for quality assurance of education in higher education institutions. The author deals with the problems of tidying up the work place (e.g. cleanliness of rooms, personal hygiene of teachers), administration of the educational process (e.g. student-school, clerk-petitioner, supervisor-clerk relations), control of the accomplishment of tasks (e.g. visitations of classes taught by young teachers).
Roberts R. 1997 Our Graduate Factories, „The Tablet”, 11 October.
Swan D. 1997 Can the Academy Learn? Why Quality Assessment, and What is Its Future in Higher Education? NCEA National Conference: Quality Assurance in Higher Education: The Next 25 Years, Dublin.
Westerheiden D.F. 1995 Quality and Accreditation in Fiigher Education, w: Wnuk-Lipińska E., Wójcicka M. (eds.): Quality Review in Fiigher Education, Centre for Science Policy and Higher Education, University ot Warsaw, Warsaw.
Woodhouse D. 1997 Quality Assurance in Fiigher Education: The Next25 Years-A Global Perpective, NCEA National Conference: Quality Assurance in Higher Education: The Next 25 Years, Dublin.
Wójcicka M. 1997 Zewnętrzne i wewnętrzne systemy zapewniania jakości kształcenia, w: Wójcicka M. (red): Zapewnianie jakości kształcenia. Wprowadzenie do samooceny, Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warszawa.