Higher Education: Assessment, Performance Indicators - Review of Concerns
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How to Cite

Jabłecka, J. (2016). Higher Education: Assessment, Performance Indicators - Review of Concerns. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(5), 7–23. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/4475


The higher education quality assessment became one of the most widely discussed topics in the academic circles. This paper presents basic methodological assumption referring to the literature on evaluative studies and various approaches and techniques used by higher education institutions in the West. These methods and procedures differ concerning evaluation assumptions, targets and methods of evaluation results utilization. The subjects of the evaluation are achieved results and the very process of education. Thus, the uses of evaluations can be of instrumental, conceptual or persuasive character. The evaluation methods are classified as qualitative and quantitative ones. The latest are based on quantitative data (performance indicators). There are many discussions and objections against use of various assessment methods, due to the imperfectness of measurement techniques, Also, the paper presents difficulties concerning assessment processes and conditions promoting relevant and unbiased evaluations.

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