In the face of the explosive growth of science and technology, knowledge acquired in school very quickly becomes inadequate for effective performance in professional and social life. Thus it becomes necessary for adults who are often working and have already completed their formal education to supplement their education. The accomplishment of this goal requires the introduction and popularisation of permanent education. The organisation of such education is presented here on the example of Germany, where this form of education has a rich tradition. The authors point out the universality of permanent education in Germany and the diverse forms in which it takes place. They also underscore the role played by self-governing professional corporations and private institutions in the organisation of permanent education. One of the forms of this form of education is correspondence education. The article describes the organisation and thematic scope of correspondence education in Germany and in Western Europe. Permanent education of employees of big corporations is shown on the example of the firm Siemens. The authors stress the great importance which big companies place on raising the professional qualifications of their employees. In this context it is argued that the condition for Poland’s entry into the European Union and its effective subsequent functioning in this grouping is raising the level of education of the citizens of our country. It will be impossible to accomplish this goal without the introduction and popularisation of permanent education in Poland. Higher education institutions can and should play an important role in this field.
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