The article discusses the plan for reform of the present system of teacher education at University of Warsaw in the context of the new tasks that will face teachers after the implementation of the current reform of the Polish system of education. According to the plan, teachers of the primary level (grades I—IV of primary school) will be trained as they are now, while teachers of the upper grades of primary school, grammar school and secondary school will be covered by a system of individual intramural studies. In the second case the project assumes that it will be necessary to create inter-subject paths of individual studies simultaneously in two faculties or specialities. Different variants of organisational and programme changes indispensable for this purpose were presented.
Kot S. 1934 Historia wychowania, Lwów.
Nawroczyński B. 1957 Zasady nauczania (wyd. VIII), Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków (pierwsze wydanie 1930).
Reforma... 1998 Reforma systemu edukacji. Projekt MEN, WSiP, Warszawa.