The article discusses changes in educational inequality in post-war Poland in comparison with other countries. Educational inequality was defined as the difference in the chance for obtaining a university education between people whose fathers had at most a basic vocational education, and those whose fathers were college-educated. This definition roughly corresponds to the inequality between children of the intelligentsia and those of peasants and workers. Differences in access to higher education between men and women were also examined. This inequality was erased in post-war years, and in fact women appear to have gotten the upper hand by a narrow margin. At the same time, despite the ruling socialist ideology, the inequality related to social origin did not change, and possibly even has been growing since the 1960s. International comparisons show that the inequalities related to social origin were larger than in selected Western European countries, despite a common belief that socialism tended to equalize educational perspectives. The question is whether the endurance of the inequalities in Poland and their greater extent than in other European countries were caused by the school system (where a small percentage of students were going to universities and a much larger group finished at a basic vocational level), or by social inequalities between the studied groups that existed outside the school setting. The author sides with the latter hypothesis.
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