Post-graduate Education - A Matter of Choice or Necessity?
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How to Cite

Minkiewicz, B. (2016). Post-graduate Education - A Matter of Choice or Necessity?. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(14), 88–102. Retrieved from


The growth of various forms of education shows on the one hand that education and money spent on it are treated as indispensable investments that increase an individual’ s opportunities on the job market. On the other hand, it shows that the higher education system is trying to answer the demands of the working economy. Various studies conducted at universities throughout the world have been trying to answer the question whether investment in higher education is really a passport to a good career, and whether qualifications obtained during the course of education are in line with market expectations and whether they lead to Professional success. These studies analyse opinions expressed by students, graduates and employers regarding the quality of services offered by schools, and about the levels of knowledge and skill that universities are expected to provide. When contrasted with the existing situation in these areas, they show the directions of needed program modifications and the necessity of improvements to the quality of education. The analysis presented may be seen as part of this body of research. It was aimed at measuring the professional advantage of completing the “Firm Management” post-graduate course offered by the Nowy Sącz Business College in cooperation with National Louis University, and to gather information on needed improvements to the course. It was also intended to identify students’ motives for participating in the course.

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