Employees in the Field of Research and Development-the Employment Process and the Area of Activity
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Drogosz-Zabłocka, E. (2016). Employees in the Field of Research and Development-the Employment Process and the Area of Activity. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(15), 80–91. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/4612


Persons employed in the field of research and development (R&D) are not a homogenous occupational group. They differ in the structure of their institution, the hierarchy of the positions, fundamental occupational tasks (research, teaching, or both), level of education, position, and finally in their specializations. According to the concept of employment in the field of research and development recommended in the Frascati textbook there are three groups of employees: scientific researchers; technical staff and their assistants; and finally, the rest of the auxiliary personnel dealing with R&D. From 1995 to 1998 significant changes took place in the employment structure. The number of researchers increased, whereas the number of the rest of the personnel decreased. According to The State Committee for Scientific Research (Komitet Badań Naukowych) these changes are seen as positive, however, no survey findings exist that would confirm this hypothesis. It would be interesting to see the directions of the activities or academic areas in which the described changes in personnel have brought positive results and those for whom the limiting of the auxiliary personnel resulted in an additional burden for the researchers, ultimately decreasing the effectiveness of their work. The situation of women employed in the field of R&D is an interesting issue. The work of women employed as academic researchers in institutions of higher learning and in research and development units, along with the academic positions and titles that they hold and has been statistically documented. According to data gathered by The Main Office of Statistics (Główny Urząd Statystyczny) the number of women attaining higher academic titles and positions has decreased. At the time of the survey, the greatest number of women were employed as assistants (Master’s degree required for this position), senior assistants and associate professors (with Ph.D.). The fewest women were found at the level of professor. The academic positions and titles held by women greatly differ according to the field. In 1998, the highest number of women with a doctorate were in the fields of pharmacy, biological Sciences and humanities, whereas the fewest women were in the theological and technical studies. The decreasing number of women moving up on the academic ladder is also present in other European countries.

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