This article presents the structure of higher education in Germany, its selected problems and ongoing changes. The debate on higher education in Germany has become more heated in recent years following the uniting of Germany. For more than forty years Germany had two different educational systems. When the country united in 1990 it was necessary to adjust the educational system of the ex-GDR to the Solutions accepted in West Germany. Also, within the last few years the so-called Europaische Dimension in Hochschulbereich has also gained importance. It is now necessary to adjust university and college structure and syllabuses to the obligatory demands of the European Union. Accreditation procedures enforcing changes in the quality of education were introduced in German higher education in 1998. Methods of management in higher education are also changing. Many of these changes are positive but several problems, e.g., problems concerning the compatibility between the structure and contents of higher education and the demands of the labour market, competition and the increasing autonomy of the universities, have also emerged. To what extent has the catchword “diversity and competition” proclaimed by the German educational authorities found support in the structure and syllabuses of the universities? This is one of the questions the author of this article is trying to answer.
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