This article presents the French higher education system which is very heterogeneous and rather original. It draws attention to the variety of educational institutions, their recruitment policies, market position, sources of financing, and types of diplomas issued. Special attention is given to the conditions of access to higher education in the university and non-university sectors. Nothing more than a secondary school certificate is needed to go to university. High-school graduates who want to go to higher schools of engineering, commerce and above all the grandes écoles (typically French, prestigious higher education establishments) must go through a selection procedure (entrance examinations, school certificate competitions, qualifying interviews etc.). This typically French method of recruitment means that real selection takes place during the first year of studies of the first educational cycle and failure is a mass experience. This article discusses the reforms which have been introduced within the last decade to reduce the scale of failure and the action taken to improve the accessibility of higher education and the conditions of studying and student life (the Université 2000 plan). The author also quotes recent announcements of further reforms which are to bring the French educational system more in line with European Solutions, made by the minister of education.
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