International Aspects of Ensuring a High Quality of Education, with Particular Regard to Higher Education in Europe
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van der Wende, M. C., & Westerheijden, D. F. (2016). International Aspects of Ensuring a High Quality of Education, with Particular Regard to Higher Education in Europe. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(20), 112–129. Retrieved from


This article examines the connection between the internationalisation of higher education and the quality of this education on the basis of the trends that can be observed in most EU countries. The authors point out the conditions that govern the processes of internationalisation, indicating the impact of reduced budget funding, competing offers on international markets, and the support of public institutions on these markets. The basic part of the article discusses the procedures for ensuring quality when entering international educational markets (using selected countries as an example) and the role of international organisations and their programs in this process, including the Bologna Declaration.  The final part of the article discusses the initiatives of the European Union and the European University Association

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