Teachers training in European Union countries and in Poland - selective comparative issues
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How to Cite

Nowakowska-Siuta, R. (2016). Teachers training in European Union countries and in Poland - selective comparative issues. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(21), 112–121. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/4704


Teachers play a crucial role at all levels of education in shaping the knowledge of young people. The changes in the training and further training of teachers in European Union countries is accompanied by a new perception of the role of teachers in the education of new generations. According to this perception, a teacher should not only teach others in a novel way, but should also update his own knowledge regularly, using novel forms of training. He should also know how to work with pupils with varying educational needs, social status, and religious and ethnic backgrounds, and should be able to find a place for himself in the new social conditions illustrated by a growing autonomy of schools and increasingly conscious participation by local communities in the lives of schools. This article attempts to examine basic priorities and Solutions in the training and future training of teachers in European Union countries, and also presents selected issues regarding new prospects with teachers training in Poland.

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