Dwelling further on the transformations of the Research and Development Establishments in Poland - the topic undertaken in the first part of his article, the author reviews possible categories of their structural transformations, pointing to the advantages and shortcomings of particular Solutions. Particular categories of those transformations, which take account of the specific features of Research and Development operations are: the legal and organisational restructuring of a R&D units, forming multi-unit structures, including holdings, as well as applying the organisational forms of public utility bodies. The author draws attention to the fact that while favourable regulations have been introduced more than two years ago, not a single R&D establishment managed to be put on a commercial footing and privatised. On top of that, the extent of structural transformation is meagre. The process of transformations among the R&D establishment is slowed down, in the author’s opinion, mainly by the shortage of financial resources assigned to the restructuring in the budget and in particular R&D organisations, as well as by the lack of some executive regulations following the amended act on the R&D establishments. Presenting possible options aimed at solving this “stalemate” the author suggests changes to legislation and reminds some of the actions suggested by the Minister of Science within the overall framework of the proposed reform of the science financing system.