A knowledge-based economy - a knowledge-based society - regional trajectory Article for discussion
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Kukliński, A. (2016). A knowledge-based economy - a knowledge-based society - regional trajectory Article for discussion. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(22), 55–61. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/4711


The first part of the article is devoted to the general problems of transforming an economy into a KBE. This transformation requires structural changes to the European Union itself; according to its leaders, the EU should be a paradigm of all European challenges. Three fundamental principles behind this paradigm are given, followed by an examination of the relations in the development of a KBE and KBS, with an indication of the importance of the spread of societies with high knowledge intensity (acting in spheres characterised by great possibilities in the creation and reproduction of knowledge) and the need for European, national and regional activities for the sake of creating a KBS. Next, a problem known as a “trap of low-level efficiency equilibrium” is discussed; this concerns scientific societies (referring to countries in Latin America and Central-Eastern Europe) that are not developing automatically as a result of market activities (the entrustment of this development to market forces results in a low level of efficiency). Hence there are many questions to be answered by the government, the enterprise sector and, last but not least, the science sector itself. The article asks the dramatic question: Are we condemned to this trap for ever? In the next part of the article, the strategic triangle formed by the interaction of the business, science and government-self-government sectors in the process of creating a KBE, are discussed. Next, a third, regional dimension for analysing economic growth (apart from the macro- and microeconomic aspects of individual units and forms) is given. This (medium) level should produce its own trajectory, defined by the Author as a self-fulfilling prophecies based on actors, decisions and hopes for the future. It is necessary to consider a laissez-faire model and controlled model for such a trajectory; it is very important for countries with strong regional differentiation. In conclusion, the article suggests the appointment of a Society of Friends of a Knowledge-Based Economy and specifies its tasks.

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