Dynamics of transformations in Poland’s higher education in the light of the Bologna process
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How to Cite

Szulc, T. (2016). Dynamics of transformations in Poland’s higher education in the light of the Bologna process. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(24), 7–36. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/4734


The article discusses transformations which have taken place in Poland’s higher education over the last 15 years such as the growth of non-public sector in education, arrival of public schools of higher professional education and changes in the student population and fields of studies. The subject is presented in the European and global context. The author analyses accessibility of higher education and the distribution of citizens with higher education and the student population across Poland's major administrative units (voivodships). Other topics covered in the article include the progress of Bologna process implementation in Poland, international student exchange, assessment of the quality of education and development of academic personnel, including educational effects of Ph.D. programmes. Another section focuses on challenges to higher education posed by the Lisbon Declaration adopted by the Council of Europe and the 2007-2013 National Development Plan for Poland.

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