Analysis of Reallocation of Funds Earmarked for R&D (on the example of a higher education institution)
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Leja, K. (2016). Analysis of Reallocation of Funds Earmarked for R&D (on the example of a higher education institution). Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(25), 62–75. Retrieved from


The author points out the exceptionally low level of R&D funding in Poland in comparison with new EU member states. He analyses reallocation of those modest funds on the country scale and on the example of a higher education institution. He identifies two distinctive phenomena, described as asymmetries. The first one concerns the allocation of funds among higher education institutions, industrial R&D units, development and research institutions operating as part of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The second one refers to the structure of R&D costs and is presented on the example of a HE institution. The author describes the evolution of in the institution’s structure of revenues earmarked for R&D showing a visibly growing share of international funding. He also discusses the use of R&D funds in different organisational units and presents an allocation algorithm applied by the institution in question to funding for in-house research. In conclusion the author states that ‘dual asymmetry’ does not facilitate effective utilisation of R&D funds in Poland so HE institutions should increasingly endeavour to obtain international funds for this part of their activity.

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