Redefining the Function of Universities from the Local Community Perspective (Bridge Theory)
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How to Cite

Kobylarek, A. (2016). Redefining the Function of Universities from the Local Community Perspective (Bridge Theory). Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(26), 32–38. Retrieved from


The author proposes a new look at the traditional functions of a university. He takes a note of intensifying civilisation trends which have put universities in a new situation while undermining the mission that universities have been pursuing to date. The author also points out the possibility to integrate and subordinate the two traditional functions of a university to new tasks imposed by local communities. If we assume that growth and enrichment of local communities are the key points of reference in redefining traditional roles of universities, we will arrive at a model which, above all, shows no disharmony between education and research. Additionally, such redesigning of functions enhance the prestige of universities and allow them to become part of the ongoing change.

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