Methodologies for the analysis of research funding and expenditures - from input to positioning indicators
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scientific research

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Lepori, B. (2016). Methodologies for the analysis of research funding and expenditures - from input to positioning indicators. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(29), 91–112. Retrieved from


This paper discusses the status of indicators concerning research funding and expenditures and proposes some pathways for further developments. Firstly, the author discusses in depth the design of the R&D statistics based on the Frascati Manual and its limitations concerning analytical categories, data availability and quality. Further he argues that, to answer to specific policy questions concerning the allocation of funds, the development of a new generation of indicators is needed - so-called positioning indicators -focusing on the analysis of financial fluxes between research funders, intermediaries and performers, and presents some recent results of comparative European work in this direction. Finally, he draws some general methodological lessons on the nature of these indicators and on the procedure for their production, discussing key aspects like reproducibility, quality validation, simplicity, contingency and transparency.

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