Private tertiary education in the Czech Republic
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tertiary education
Czech Republic
developments in tertiary education
private universities
geographic accessibility of tertiary education

How to Cite

Bajerski, A. (2016). Private tertiary education in the Czech Republic. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(30), 94–103. Retrieved from


The aim of this article is to present developments and functioning of private tertiary education in the Czech Republic. The possibility to establish private universities and colleges was not introduced in the law until 1998, which meant that the private higher education sector started off later than its counterparts in other countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The late arrival of legal regulations as well as the efficient accreditation procedure, meant that private tertiary education sector in the Czech Republic is poorly developed. It educates only 7% of students, out of which 90% are in the first-cycle studies. The Author focuses on the role of private universities/colleges in the Czech Republic in the context of diversification of higher education and its geographic accessibility.

PDF (Język Polski)


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