"The gates of the universities wide-open for the working classes!" Post-war reconstruction of the social imaginary and the project of socialist university
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socialist university
new professionals
social imaginary

How to Cite

Zysiak, A. (2016). "The gates of the universities wide-open for the working classes!" Post-war reconstruction of the social imaginary and the project of socialist university. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 47(1(47), 53–86. https://doi.org/10.14746/nsw.2016.1.3


Mobilization is a key for any modernization attempt. It was true also for rebuilding of Poland after 1945 and designing a new socialist university. Taking as a starting point the social revolution argument, interpreting the WWII and postwar time as a period of profound change of Polish society, I assume that this change brought a deep reconstruction of social imaginary and creation of educational desires among working classes. A conceptual horizon undergone irreversible shift. A common understating, personal expectations, ideal types as well as knowledge about our relation towards the world and other social groups went trough a profound revisions in a result of both the war and the postwar reconstruction. What was a role of universities in this new constellation of meanings? What duties and privileges were assigned to professors, students, working classes in daily press? The article offers an analysis of postwar media not as a propaganda tool, but a medium which reconstructed meanings. Educational desires evoked, horizons of expectations widened for those who never before could imagine enrolling to university.

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