Implementation of process approach to management of public higher education institutions – challenges of theory and practice
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a process approach
New Public Management
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Maciąg, J. (2016). Implementation of process approach to management of public higher education institutions – challenges of theory and practice. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 47(1(47), 163–180.


Challenges for university in XXI century are: quality of services, effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility. To meet these expectations HEIs started a restructuring of a management system using a modern concepts and methods based on process approach. There are: TQM, EFQM, ISO 9001, Lean Management, Six Sigma, reengineering, benchmarking, outsourcing, shared service centers. The purpose of the paper is to present the theoretic and practical achievements in implementation of concepts and methods based on a process approach. The paper is based on literature analysis and own research. The results of analysis is presentation of the main issues taken in research on a process management, reasons and barriers of its implementation and the research gap in these area.
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