Time absorbers: PhD holders at universities in Poland and the organisation of their working time
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working time
academic work

How to Cite

Kowzan, P., & Zielińska, M. (2016). Time absorbers: PhD holders at universities in Poland and the organisation of their working time. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 48(2(48), 41–62. https://doi.org/10.14746/nisw.2016.2.2


The paper presents an analysis of four components of academic work: research, teaching, administration and collaboration. Basing on the report „Nie zostaje mi czasu na pracę naukową” it shows how PhDs in teaching and research positions have their time scheduled and how they manage their time budgets in order to find some time for research and proceed to habilitation. The consequences of living and working within such temporal regimes are taken into account. The paper presents a model of academic work, which allows comparing these four components with each other.

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