Opinions of the Members of the Recruitment Committees on the Enrollment Rules
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How to Cite

Jastrząb-Mrozicka, M. (2016). Opinions of the Members of the Recruitment Committees on the Enrollment Rules. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2), 103–119. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/4337


The law on institutions of higher education of September 1990 provides institutions of higher education with substantial autonomy. It concerns, among others, the number of enrolled students and the criteria and procedures of admission. For many years decisions concerning enrolment volumes were made on the central government level. Also, the Minister stated the unified criteria and procedures for students’ admission. Two years ago the situation was radically changed. The authority concerning enrolment was delegated to institutions of higher education. The paper constitutes an attempt to present some changes that occurred in the institutions of higher education in relation to the volume of enrolment and selection procedures. The results of the research on the evaluation of the enrolment rules by the members of the recruitment committees have also been discussed. The significant changes that have been recorded are: 1. the number of students enrolled for the first year has significantly increased, 2. dynamics of the increase vary, which provides for the basic change of the student community with regard to specialty and methods of training, 3. most of the institutions of higher education have given up the traditional, multifactorial admission system, reduced the number of qualifying factors or sometimes enrolled all candidates putting aside criteria of selection. The applied selection procedures satisfy fully only a modest group of individuals involved into the enrolment activities. Most of them however, is of the opinion, that the enrolment rules demand to be changed or supplemented. Currently, we face great variability and mutability of the forms of enrolment. Also, we face the process of the development of two types of the university training models: selective - characterized by sharp preliminary selection and - mass, indiscriminate, characterized by subdued selection criteria.

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