Refugees’ Refrains in the Poetry by Nelly Sachs
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education for peace
Nelly Sachs

How to Cite

Roszak, J. (2017). Refugees’ Refrains in the Poetry by Nelly Sachs. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (6), 61–74.


In the article I have been studying what premises constitute in the work of this German-speaking Nobel Prize winner and how the author brings the wounded world to the poem. I am aiming at interpreting her works in the relation to the refugees theme. I read her neurotic poetry also in the context of the contemporary nomadological discourse and I perceive it as a signpost to the language of solidarity. In the works of the Nobel Prize winner from 1966 one can see a preview of the style of the poems written by contemporary refuges (Breyten Breytenbach or Ashur Etwebi), and the artistic community of people deprived of their homes. I close the article with the conclusion related to the use of poetry in education for peace.
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