Ukraine Hotel by Bohdan Zadura as a poem about recipience of refugees
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Bohdan Zadura
welcome gesture

How to Cite

Kuczyńska-Koschany, K. (2017). Ukraine Hotel by Bohdan Zadura as a poem about recipience of refugees. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (6), 119–130.


The article is raising the refugees issue in reference to the poem Ukraine Hotel by Bohdan Zadura, published in his book Final touch (2014). The poem was written as a spontaneous reaction on the pacification of the Maidan in Kiev in February 2014. Therefore the author of the article is sketching wide contextual background, she recalls reportages, essays and interviews which explain the core of the conflict. The article collects materials useful during school lessons asking the questions: who is (or who can be) a refugee and if I am ready to welcome such a person under my roof?
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