Reading memory – experience – emotions. Literary narratives for children and young adults – theory and practice of reception (Rutka by Joanna Fabicka)
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cognitive reading
emphatic reading
immersive reading
visual narration
multisensory narration
identification with protagonist
figures of memory

How to Cite

Michułka, D., & Gregorowicz, Łukasz. (2018). Reading memory – experience – emotions. Literary narratives for children and young adults – theory and practice of reception (Rutka by Joanna Fabicka). Polonistyka. Innowacje, (7), 41–58.


The article is based on empirical research related to reading, experience and emotions, conducted in primary schools for several years. The story of Joanna Fabicka Rutka (2016) has become the exemplification for the mentioned empirical research. A polysensory, but also poetic in the illustration of the world, fairytale literary narrative about the destruction and the recovery of a lost childhood, kept in the poetics of magical realism. The book deals with the topics of dialogue between genders, friendship, the power of imagination, memory, understanding, naming and tame emotions, loneliness and fear of death. The book also shows the problem of settling with a difficult past (here: war trauma), the responsibility of adults and growing up to dreams. Visualization of the effects and affect of narrative fragments and metaphorisation of images reinforced by real experience, as noted in the story, may affect the reader’s emotional involvement and influence the construction of new meanings and meanings of the work, which all translates into support of understanding, shaping the imagination and ethical formulation of reflection on the world.
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