Technology and education, or the incoherent symbiosis of tradition and modernisty


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Wobalis, M. (2018). Technology and education, or the incoherent symbiosis of tradition and modernisty. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (7), 85–96.


The article discusses the complex relationship between technology and its tools, education and its objectives. It is recognized that both areas are closely interwoven since the emergence of communication between people and the need to use tools for self-development (it is indicated that this phenomenon is not reserved exclusively for homo sapiens sapiens). The coexistence of both areas – education and technology is identified as crucial for the development of civilization, while raising the issue of their impassable incoherence resulting, inter alia, for other purposes (education retains, technology changes, education transfers information from the past to the present, technology transfers knowledge from the present to the future, etc.). All this makes the seemingly seeming relationship of technology and education as synergetic areas supporting civilization development. At the same time there is a relationship between technology and education manifesting itself in permanent cultural crisis between what is old and well known (defining education) and what is new and unpredictable (the support of technological development).


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