The article deals with the fundamental goal of the Polish Language Arts Education, regarded as the student’s development within the area of humanity and key competences needed in contemporary world. The concept of education as the student’s development has been known in Poland since the Twenties and the works of Kazimierz Wóycicki. The traces of his thoughts can be found nowadays in the modern educational ideas and concepts in Europe and the United States. This educational discourse concentrates on the ideas of dialogue, giving the students the great part of responsibility for their learning, differentiation and individualisation in teaching. Contemporary thoughts on education come from Jerome Bruner’s ideas of self-effectiveness, self-esteem, self-evaluation and aspirations. These ideas, however, as well as the concept of student’s development, are unfortunately very distant from the latest Polish reforms in education.
Bruner Jerome, 2006, Kultura edukacji, Brzostowska-Tereszkiewicz T. (przeł.), Kraków.
Hattie John, 2013, Widoczne uczenie się dla nauczycieli. Jak maksymalizować siłę oddziaływania na uczenie się, Janowska Z. (przeł.), Pater M. (współpraca), Warszawa.
http://www.oph.fi/english/education_system/basic_education Dostęp: 19.11.2017.
Tomlinson Ann Carol, 2011, Differentiation and the Brain, How Neuroscience Supports the Learner-Friendly Classroom, Bloomington.
Wóycicki Kazimierz, 1921, Rozbiór literacki w szkole. Podręcznik dla nauczycieli, Warszawa.