Profession: reporter. Film discourse on journalism during Polish language lessons
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independent journalism
independent media
media ethics
ethics of journalism
liberal democracy
liberal equality
political drama
film education
film analisys
secondary humanities

How to Cite

Bobiński, W. (2020). Profession: reporter. Film discourse on journalism during Polish language lessons. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (12), 71–92.


The article discusses media and journalism ethics portrayed in the movies from the 1970’s onwards. First the text examines the role of media and journalism in Western democracies established on the values of freedom and equality. Media – according to works of John Rawls and Jurgen Habermas – constitutes the fourth pillar of democracy (the others are: legislature, executive and judiciary). Media independence has been an ever-present issue in cinematography. The article offers didactic tools to analyze five political dramas (All the President’s Men, Wag the Dog, Spotlight, The Post, Mr Jones) and one psychological drama/thriller (The Passenger). Three different perspectives (plot analysis, formal analysis, „great metaphore”) can be used in secondary schools to highlight the role of media and independent journalism.
PDF (Język Polski)


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