Tasks of Polish language teachers in a re-invented school. How to teach students to learn
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cognitive autonomy
critical literacy
procedural reading

How to Cite

Białek, K. (2020). Tasks of Polish language teachers in a re-invented school. How to teach students to learn. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (12), 141–158. https://doi.org/10.14746/pi.2020.12.8


The situation of the pandemic and the March lockdown allows us to look at education in Poland as an element of a complex system of influences and heterotopias, in line with Foucault’s concept. Realizing the importance of a well-planned educational policy in the context of social needs will allow teachers to set goals more accurately and effectively. The pandemic has exacerbated the social inequalities existing in Poland which have an impact on the effectiveness of education. Education focused on empowerment and, implemented by strengthening cognitive autonomy in the lessons of critical reading, may be an answer from the field of the Polish studies. The text also proposes lesson activities based on the procedural reading method.

PDF (Język Polski)


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