How to tell a child about the Holocaust ? A case report based on the works of Irit Amiel
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the Holocaust;
Irit Amiel;

How to Cite

Tomczok, M. (2021). How to tell a child about the Holocaust ? A case report based on the works of Irit Amiel. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (13), 11–20.


In the article, I initially analyze the issue of passing on to young children, brought up in non- Jewish families, the knowledge about the Holocaust. In this article I refer to the example of my seven-year -old daughter who, influenced by my work on the book about Irit Amiel, became interested in the Holocaust, its history and literature. Thanks to the interwiew, I try to understand which of the objects connected with the writer and why influenced the seven-year- old child, and whether my own experience can be helpful in educating other young children.
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