On the Jewish question in Bolesław Prus’s novel The Doll.
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anticipation of a pogrom

How to Cite

Sobieraj, T. (2021). On the Jewish question in Bolesław Prus’s novel The Doll. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (13), 67–80. https://doi.org/10.14746/pi.2021.13.8


The Doll, the most famous novel by Bolesław Prus, published in 1890, was concerned with many aspects of the Jewish question. The author portrayed a few phases in relations between Poles and Jews. The first phase was the short epoch of equality and fraternity before the January Uprising. Then came the period of the assimilation of Jews. Finally, Prus observed a growing process of hostility towards Jews. On the whole, anti-Semitic views were criticized by him both in The Doll, and in his journalism. Yet, on the other hand, it must be acknowledged that Prus was often inclined to perceive Jewry in stereotypical ways. The Doll presents an economic triumph of Jews over impractical and inept Poles. Anti-Semitic public feelings that were shown in the novel anticipated the Warsaw pogrom of Jews that took place at the end of 1881.

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